Channel: IFC Films
Category: Entertainment
Tags: psychological thrillerifc films 2021thriller moviemovienew 2021 filmsifc filmsjohn and the hole movieannajohn and the hole official trailermichael c. halljennifer ehlecoming of age moviejohn and the hole thrillerpascual sistopsychological moviejohn2021 john and the holebradifc films john and the holecharlie shotwell
Description: Opening in theaters and VOD August 6 Director: Pascual Sisto Starring: Charlie Shotwell, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Ehle A desperate game of survival unfolds after 13 year old John traps his family in a hole in the ground in this unsettling psychological thriller. JohnAndTheHole #IFCFilms Subscribe to IFC Films: Connect with IFC Online IFC Films Official Site: Follow IFC Films on Twitter: Find IFC Films on Facebook: Follow IFC Films on Instagram :